About Us

Grace Bible Church is an evangelical church which uses the Bible for our standard of faith and practice. We are a community of believers striving to become followers of Jesus and treat each other with grace all along the journey.

We’ve been described as “a small church with a big heart”.  On Sundays, we learn together and worship together.  We have a simple worship time– not very showy, with a worship music mix of traditional and contemporary. During the service, we have an area in the back if you want to keep your squiggly little ones with you. We have a nursery available on an as needed basis.  On Sunday evenings, we have a small fellowship in a house church setting.  We get together on Wednesdays for prayer, when we really actually pray.  We have quarterly events that support our Charlotte outreach when everyone comes to help or contributes.  Basically, we believe in living life together as a community of believers.  If you want to slip in unnoticed and remain unnoticed, this church is probably not for you!  But on the other hand, we are probably what you really need 🙂 

Jesus prayed for His followers: “I am in them and You are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that You sent me and that You love them as much as You love me.” (Jn. 17:23)

Leadership Team:

Adam Duncan

Adam has been married to Michelle for 15 years. They have 5 children.  Both Adam and Michelle have such caring hearts, and the Lord has given Adam a special burden and concern for the helpless. So, we are so grateful to have him on our deacon team!

Ron Durfee

Ron has been married to Debbie for 45 years.  They have one daughter who is married and living in CA. Originally from Vermont, Ron and Debbie were in the service together and have lived in Florida, New York, South Carolina, and now we are so fortunate to have them here!  With Debbie at his side, the Lord is using Ron as an elder to teach and encourage us with wisdom and conviction.
Matthew and Breanne Fariss

Matthew Fariss

Matthew has been married to Breanne for 22 years.  They have 5 children.  He has been at GBC for 12 years, and he and Breanne have been so faithful to serve our body by doing whatever has been needed–even while maintaining a full time construction business.  Matthew is our compassionate exhorter and we are so grateful for him on our elder team.

John Hutchinson

John has been married to Kathy for 48 years.  They have 2 children and lots of grandchildren.  From the beginning of our small fellowship, John has served our body for so many years, along with Kathy–and we are so thankful for them both! After many years of service and wise counsel on all different kinds of matters–we are now especially grateful to officially have John on our deacon team.

Jacob Meng

Originally from Ohio, we are so very thankful that the Lord brought Jacob here and convinced him to stay! With wisdom beyond his years, he has already guided and served our body in so many ways. He is a great addition to our deacon team, and we are grateful.

John Orr

John has been married to Terri for 42 years and they have 6 children and lots of grandchildren.  John has helped lead GBC since 1992.  In 2014, he and his family moved to Charlotte to begin working with internationals. John and his family return each week and he continues as an elder with his teaching ministry on many of those Sundays.

John Watt

John has been married to Tara for 28 years. They have 4 children.  John was instrumental in founding Compass Aviation, where he and Tara continue to faithfully serve, even through the storms of life.  With many years of wisdom and godly leadership experience, we are so very grateful to have John on our elder team.

And, we are so thankful to you--our church family!

There is no team without YOU!  Thank you for all your work and labors of love on behalf of the body of Christ at Grace Bible Church!
"From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."--Eph.4:16

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We also support missionaries all over the world. You can learn a lot about an organization by who they support.