Ministries We Believe In

 We are involved to a different extent with each of these ministries:  some we pray for regularly, some we support financially, and sometimes we take a team to offer practical help.  We believe in each of these ministries and we hope that you will take the time to learn more about each one.  


Will and Etta Shehee

Send56  has the goal to send 10,000 missionaries to reach the approximately 1,000 unreached people groups in Africa with the Gospel by discipling and mobilizing Afrcan missionaries. After years of work in Africa and seeing God grow this ministry, Will and Etta have moved their family to Atlanta to help with overwhelming administrative needs.  They need your support as much as ever! Please read Will’s blog,  “Living in the Fear of the Lord,” to better see their hearts and to encourage our own.

The Luke Commission

Harry and Echo VanderWal

Operating since 2005 under the direction of Dr. Harry and Echo (PAC) VanderWal, The Luke Commission shares free health care and hope through the gospel.  To fulfill this mission, they go to the most isolated and underserved populations in partnership with the Swazi people and the Ministry of Health.

Campus Outreach to USC

Seth and Lauren Orr

Campus Outreach is a ministry built on relationships.  After leading the team at Western Carolina University, Seth and Lauren have moved to Columbia, SC, to direct the ministry of the University of South Carolina. Please pray for them to have wisdom and to be led by the Lord as they share their lives and faith with students through evangelism and discipleship. Read more about Seth and Lauren’s ministry.

John and Tara Watt

Many overseas mission organizations are in desperate need for pilots and mechanics. For this reason,  Compass Aviation provides training, experience, and flight hours, at little to no cost–aiding in the huge debt these future missionaries might normally face.  John and Tara Watt co-founded Compass Aviation and have been giving their lives for His sake and the gospel’s, for many years. 

Valerie Althouse

... my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me... Acts 20:24

Dwight Stone

Although he was a financially successful New York stock broker, Dwight Stone was a very lost man.  When Jesus gave him a new life, he gave it back to Jesus for service here on earth.  For that reason, Dwight has ministered for many years with ECM of NA in the poorest areas of Romania and the surrounding countries. After many years of service, Dwight suffers with health problems and has retired.  We still support him and this ministry.