Meeting Times

Sunday @ 10:00 (study)
Sunday @ 11:00 (worship)
Tuesday @ 7:00 (2nd and 4th--youth)
Tuesday @ 7:00 (1st and 3rd--women) Wednesday @ 7:00 pm (prayer over zoom)
Thursday @ 7:00 pm (study)

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For more information about meetings, see “Getting Together”

Many thanks to these:

And many thanks for our hard-working elders and deacons–each one serving and giving so much! For more information about them, click here.


AND YOU! There are many I’m sure I have forgotten! Forgive me! And, so many of you are always praying, giving, and serving in so many ways! Thank you!

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."