The Voice of the Martyrs

Join with us...
We take very seriously the command in the Bible in Hebrews 13:3 “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”
For this reason, we join with Voice of the Martyrs to reach out in many ways to our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering for their faith in ways we in the west cannot imagine. Here are a few ways that you also can join us in remembering our family in prison or being mistreated.

You can sign to receive weekly emails from Voice of the Martyrs. They come once a week with 3 or 4 timely prayer requests for that week. You can sign up for these emails at
You can also pray by asking Voice of the Martyrs to send you their annual Global Prayer Guide. It will tell you about all the countries our brothers and sisters are suffering in and how to pray for each country.
You can also sign up to receive Voice of the Martyrs free monthly newsletter in the mail. In it, they usually spotlight one “hot” area and tell you some stories from the front lines and also ways you can pray and get involved.
You can also sign up to commit to “adopt” a front line worker for one year. You will receive a picture and information about your front line worker and ways you can pray for them. These are usually nationals that are on the front lines going to villages to present the gospel and/or bring aid to fellow believers in hostile areas.

"One Lord, one faith, one baptism..."
You can also go online and actually write a letter online that will be sent to a persecuted believer in prison to encourage them. You can choose the country and person. You can use your own words or there are phrases available to help you compose a letter in their language. We have heard actual stories from Christians released from prison about how those letters not only greatly encouraged them, but also were an amazing testimony to fellow prisoners and even their persecutors.
Not all persecuted Christians are put in prison, some are martyred and leave behind families and some are displaced and have no home. To learn how you can help financially support a family around the world in an extremely difficult situation, go to Families of Martyrs.
Finally, if you would just like to find more info on the Voice of the Martyrs and ways you can help or donate, go to